Can You Sell Vape Juice on eBay?

eBay’s Policies on Vape Juice and Other Restricted Items

No you cannot.

According to eBay’s policy on alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and drug paraphernalia, sellers are not allowed to list vape juice or e-liquid containing nicotine on the platform.

This is because eBay aims to provide a safe and lawful marketplace for its users, and nicotine-containing products are subject to various laws and regulations in different jurisdictions. It is important to note that selling vape juice containing nicotine is a violation of eBay’s policy and can result in penalties, such as listing removal, restrictions on your account, or even account suspension.

However, it is possible to sell vape juice without nicotine on eBay, as long as you comply with their policies and guidelines, including ensuring that your listing does not promote the use of nicotine or tobacco products.

Related Restricted Items on eBay

Before diving into selling age-restricted items on eBay, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with their policies and guidelines to avoid potential issues. Some related restricted items include:

By understanding eBay’s policies and regulations, you can ensure that you are in compliance and avoid penalties or account restrictions.

Age Verification and Selling Age-Restricted Items on eBay

If you plan to sell age-restricted items on eBay, you must comply with their age verification policy and ensure that your buyers are of the required age to purchase such items. One way to do this is by clearly stating the age requirement in your item description and listing details.

To learn more about age restrictions on eBay, check out our article on how old do you need to be to sell on eBay.

How Flipl Can Help You Maximize Profits Through Online Arbitrage

Now that you understand the restrictions and guidelines for selling vape juice and other age-restricted items on eBay, you may want to explore ways to maximize your profits through online arbitrage. Flipl is a powerful eBay and Amazon arbitrage software that can help you find underpriced products on eBay and Amazon to flip for profit.

Method 1: The eBay Flip

With the eBay Flip method, you can hunt down items selling for a low price on eBay, snag them, and then flip them for a higher price on Amazon or other platforms. This simple yet effective strategy can be a great way to boost your profits.

Method 2: Warehouse Deals

In the Warehouse Deals method, you’ll be on the lookout for underpriced products in mint condition that can be resold for a profit. This can be particularly useful when dealing with items like vape juice without nicotine, which may be available at lower prices from various sellers.

To learn more about how Flipl can help you master online arbitrage, check out our comprehensive course that covers everything you need to know, from sourcing underpriced products on eBay to maximizing your profits on Amazon, Walmart, and other platforms.


Do I need a business license to sell vape juice on eBay?

While eBay does not specifically require a business license to sell vape juice without nicotine, it’s essential to research and comply with any local or federal regulations that may apply to your business. For more information on business licenses and selling on eBay, read our article on whether you need a business license to sell on eBay.

Can I sell other vape-related products on eBay?

Yes, you can sell other vape-related products on eBay, such as vape devices or accessories, as long as they comply with eBay’s policies and guidelines. Be sure to review eBay’s policy on alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and drug paraphernalia before listing any vape-related products.


While selling vape juice containing nicotine is prohibited on eBay, you can still sell vape juice without nicotine as long as you comply with their policies and guidelines. By understanding eBay’s regulations on age-restricted items and leveraging Flipl for online arbitrage opportunities, you can successfully navigate the world of selling vape juice and other related products on the platform.

To get started with Flipl and learn more about maximizing your profits through online arbitrage, visit our homepage and explore our comprehensive course on mastering online arbitrage.

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