Refunds Manager Reviews, Pricing & Alternatives


Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) enables sellers to store their products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers, which takes care of storage, packaging, shipping, and customer service. While this service allows sellers to focus on other aspects of their business, managing refunds and reimbursements can be a challenge. Refunds Manager is a solution specifically designed to help Amazon FBA sellers recover funds from errors and discrepancies in their accounts. In this article, we will discuss Refunds Manager reviews, pricing, and alternatives to help you decide if this service is the right fit for your business.

What is Refunds Manager?

Refunds Manager is a top-rated service that helps Amazon FBA sellers recover funds from various errors and discrepancies in their accounts. With over ten years of experience, they are trusted by more than 10,000 US sellers and are approved and listed on the Amazon Appstore. They ensure sellers don’t miss out on any claims by identifying issues such as customer return errors, damaged shipments, missing order credits, and more.

The process of using Refunds Manager is quite simple. First, you sync your Amazon seller account with Refunds Manager. Their team then searches for issues in customer returns, damages, losses, misapplied fees, etc. A designated account auditor submits and tracks all claims on your behalf, making it a hassle-free experience for Amazon FBA sellers.

Refunds Manager Features

Refunds Manager offers an extensive range of features and services, helping sellers recover funds from a variety of errors and discrepancies. Some of the key features include:

  1. Transaction reconciliation: Refunds Manager ensures that all transactions are accurately recorded and reconciled, helping sellers identify any discrepancies and recover funds.

  2. Destroyed items recovery: If Amazon destroys an item in its warehouse, Refunds Manager helps sellers recover the cost of the destroyed item.

  3. Restocking fees recovery: Refunds Manager helps sellers recover restocking fees that Amazon might have charged incorrectly.

  4. Customer refund overages: If a customer is refunded more than the original purchase price, Refunds Manager helps sellers recover the overage amount.

  5. Missing order credits: Refunds Manager ensures that sellers receive proper credit for all completed orders and helps recover any missing credits.

  6. Damaged shipments: If a shipment is damaged during the fulfillment process, Refunds Manager helps sellers recover the cost of damaged items.

  7. Weight and dimension fees: Refunds Manager verifies the accuracy of weight and dimension fees charged by Amazon and helps recover any overcharges.

  8. Commission fees: Refunds Manager ensures that Amazon’s commission fees are accurate and helps recover any overcharges.

  9. Warehouse losses: If items are lost or damaged in Amazon’s warehouse, Refunds Manager helps sellers recover the cost of lost items.

  10. Customer replacements: Refunds Manager ensures that sellers receive proper reimbursement for customer replacements and helps recover any missing reimbursements.

  11. Missing reimbursements: Refunds Manager identifies and helps recover any missing reimbursements that Amazon owes to sellers.

  12. Inventory adjustments: Refunds Manager verifies the accuracy of inventory adjustments and helps recover any discrepancies.

  13. Shipment stock counts: Refunds Manager ensures that shipment stock counts are accurate and helps recover any discrepancies.

  14. Returned inventory errors: Refunds Manager identifies errors in returned inventory and helps sellers recover funds from these errors.

  15. Chargebacks: Refunds Manager helps sellers recover funds from chargebacks caused by Amazon’s errors.

  16. Damaged returns: If a customer returns a damaged item, Refunds Manager helps sellers recover the cost of the damaged item.

  17. Missing removal orders: Refunds Manager helps sellers recover the cost of items that were not properly removed from Amazon’s inventory.

  18. Inaccurate reimbursements: Refunds Manager identifies and helps recover any inaccurate reimbursements from Amazon.

  19. Inaccurate order refunds: Refunds Manager ensures that order refunds are accurate and helps recover any overcharges.

Pros and Cons of using Refunds Manager

Based on the reviews provided, here are some pros and cons of using Refunds Manager:


  1. Easy to use: Refunds Manager is a user-friendly service that requires minimal setup and management.
  2. No upfront fees: The commission-based pricing model means there are no upfront costs for sellers.
  3. Comprehensive feature set: Refunds Manager covers a wide range of errors and discrepancies, ensuring sellers can recover funds from various sources.
  4. Trusted service: With over 10,000 US sellers and a listing on the Amazon Appstore, Refunds Manager is a reliable and reputable service.
  5. Excellent customer support: Users have praised the responsive and helpful customer support team at Refunds Manager.


  1. Commission fees: Some users may find the commission fees to be high, especially for larger reimbursements.
  2. Limited to US sellers: Refunds Manager currently only supports US-based Amazon FBA sellers.
  3. Manual claim process: Some users may prefer an automated claim process instead of having an account auditor submit claims manually.
  4. Potential for missed claims: Although Refunds Manager covers a wide range of errors, there may still be the possibility of missed claims.
  5. Software installation required: Some users may not be comfortable installing additional software on their computers.

Refunds Manager Pricing

Refunds Manager follows a commission-based pricing model, which means there are no upfront fees or monthly subscriptions. Instead, they charge a percentage of the funds they successfully recover for you. This pricing structure ensures that you only pay for the service when it delivers results.

Refunds Manager Reviews

In the provided reviews, users have praised Refunds Manager for its ease of use and effectiveness in recovering funds. One user mentioned recovering $5,000 within the first week of using the service, and others have reported ongoing reimbursements that they would have otherwise missed. Users also appreciate the hands-off nature of the service, as it requires minimal intervention once set up.

On the other hand, some users may find the commission fees to be high, especially for larger reimbursements. Additionally, the service is currently limited to US-based Amazon FBA sellers, which may be a drawback for sellers operating in other countries.

Refunds Manager Alternatives

For sellers who want to explore alternatives to Refunds Manager, there are several other refund management services available:

  1. SellerBench: A service that helps Amazon sellers recover lost revenue by identifying and submitting reimbursement claims. Pricing is based on a percentage of recovered funds.
  2. AMZRefund: A web-based tool that identifies and files refund claims for Amazon FBA sellers. Pricing is based on a percentage of recovered funds.
  3. Helium 10 Refund Genie: A feature within the Helium 10 suite of tools, Refund Genie helps Amazon sellers identify and file reimbursement claims. Pricing is included in the Helium 10 subscription.
  4. FBA Auditor: A UK-based service that helps Amazon FBA sellers recover lost revenue by identifying and submitting reimbursement claims. Pricing is based on a percentage of recovered funds.

Our Verdict

After considering the features, pricing, user experiences, and alternatives, Refunds Manager stands out as a reliable and effective solution for Amazon FBA sellers looking to recover funds from errors and discrepancies. With its easy-to-use interface, comprehensive feature set, and commission-based pricing, Refunds Manager offers a low-risk, high-reward service for sellers.

However, the commission fees may be a concern for some sellers, especially those with larger reimbursements. In such cases, it may be worth exploring alternatives like SellerBench or AMZRefund. Additionally, the service is currently limited to US-based sellers, which may be a drawback for those operating in other countries.


In summary, Refunds Manager is a valuable service for Amazon FBA sellers looking to recover funds from errors and discrepancies. With its comprehensive features, easy-to-use interface, and commission-based pricing, it is a low-risk, high-reward option for sellers. However, it is essential to consider the commission fees and the service’s limitation to US-based sellers when making a decision. If you believe Refunds Manager is the right fit for your business, don’t hesitate to sign up and sync your Amazon seller account to start recovering funds today!

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