AMZ Sellers Attorney® for Amazon Appeals 2023


Amazon has become a popular platform for sellers worldwide to reach millions of customers. However, with the growth of the platform, many sellers face challenges navigating Amazon’s complex rules, policies, and procedures, often resulting in account suspensions or listing removals. This can lead to devastating consequences for sellers, including loss of income and reputation.

Enter AMZ Sellers Attorney, a professional Amazon appeals service dedicated to helping sellers reinstate their Amazon accounts and listings. In this article, we will explore the various services offered by AMZ Sellers Attorney, their expertise in handling Amazon suspensions, pricing for their services, and real customer reviews, giving you all the information you need to decide if they are the right choice for your Amazon appeal needs.

AMZ Sellers Attorney: Services and Expertise

AMZ Sellers Attorney is a professional Amazon appeals service that assists both new and seasoned sellers with account suspensions, listing removals, and other Amazon-related issues. With a team of experienced lawyers and Amazon specialists, they have the knowledge and expertise to navigate the complexities of Amazon’s policies and procedures, ensuring the best possible outcome for their clients.

Their range of services includes:

  1. Account suspension appeals: AMZ Sellers Attorney helps sellers draft and submit comprehensive appeals to Amazon, addressing the root cause of the suspension, actions taken to resolve the issue, and steps implemented to prevent future occurrences.

  2. ASIN reinstatements: If your product listing has been removed, AMZ Sellers Attorney can help you appeal the decision and get your ASIN reinstated, allowing you to continue selling your product on Amazon.

  3. Vendor Central suspension: For sellers using Amazon’s Vendor Central platform, AMZ Sellers Attorney can assist with suspension appeals, ensuring your business remains operational.

  4. Amazon ungating and brand registry support: AMZ Sellers Attorney can help sellers navigate the process of ungating restricted product categories and enrolling in Amazon’s Brand Registry program, protecting your brand and expanding your product offerings.

  5. Trademark and patent registration: To safeguard your intellectual property, AMZ Sellers Attorney can assist with trademark and patent registration, ensuring your brand and products are protected from infringement.

Meet the Supervising Amazon Appeal Attorney: Kenneth Eade

Kenneth Eade is the Supervising Amazon Appeal Attorney at AMZ Sellers Attorney. With extensive experience in e-commerce law, intellectual property, and Amazon policies, Kenneth is well-equipped to handle a wide range of Amazon suspension and listing removal cases. His expertise and dedication to client success have contributed to the high success rate of AMZ Sellers Attorney’s appeals.

Why Choose AMZ Sellers Attorney?

There are several key advantages to choosing AMZ Sellers Attorney for your Amazon appeals:

  1. Professional approach: Unlike many non-lawyer Amazon appeal services, AMZ Sellers Attorney is a team of licensed U.S. attorneys with in-depth knowledge of Amazon policies and procedures. This ensures your appeal is handled professionally and effectively.

  2. Dedication to clients: AMZ Sellers Attorney is committed to their clients’ success, providing unlimited revisions, escalations, and 24-hour support throughout the appeals process.

  3. Competitive pricing: Despite being a team of lawyers, AMZ Sellers Attorney offers pricing that is comparable to or even less than non-lawyer Amazon appeal services, ensuring you receive top-quality representation without breaking the bank.

Pricing and Success Rate

AMZ Sellers Attorney offers fixed fee pricing for various types of cases, including:

  • Account suspensions: $1050
  • Intellectual property infringement cases: $1750
  • ASIN and certain other Amazon suspensions: $1250

These fees include unlimited revisions, 24-hour support, and escalations if necessary. AMZ Sellers Attorney boasts a 90% success rate for their appeals, and if your initial appeal is unsuccessful, they will apply your fee towards arbitration (your final remedy) to ensure your account is reinstated.

Customer Reviews

Many clients have praised the quality of service, responsiveness, and expertise demonstrated by AMZ Sellers Attorney. Here are some highlights from real customer reviews:

  • Clients have experienced prompt responses and support from the AMZ Sellers Attorney team, often within 24 hours or even on weekends.
  • The team’s knowledge of Amazon policies and procedures has resulted in successful account reinstatements and ASIN relistings for many sellers.
  • AMZ Sellers Attorney’s professional approach and dedication to their clients’ success have led to positive outcomes in even the most challenging cases.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why do Amazon sellers need an attorney for suspension appeals?

An Amazon suspension attorney can provide professional guidance and expertise based on their thorough understanding of Amazon’s policies, procedures, and the applicable laws. This ensures your appeal addresses the root cause of the suspension, actions taken to resolve the issue, and steps implemented to prevent future occurrences, maximizing your chances of a successful outcome.

What sets AMZ Sellers Attorney apart from other Amazon appeal services?

AMZ Sellers Attorney is a team of licensed U.S. attorneys, ensuring a professional and knowledgeable approach to your Amazon suspension appeal. They offer competitive pricing, unlimited revisions, 24-hour support, and a high success rate for their appeals, setting them apart from non-lawyer Amazon appeal services.

How does the process work for hiring AMZ Sellers Attorney?

When you hire AMZ Sellers Attorney, you will be assigned a dedicated Amazon seller lawyer who will work on your case personally. They will perform an in-depth analysis of your Amazon account and the reasons for your suspension or listing removal, and then draft a comprehensive appeal based on your specific situation. Throughout the process, you will receive ongoing support and communication to ensure a successful outcome.

Our Verdict

Based on the services offered, expertise, pricing, and customer reviews, AMZ Sellers Attorney appears to be a reliable and professional choice for Amazon sellers in need of appeal services. Their dedication to client success, competitive pricing, and high success rate make them an appealing option for those facing account suspensions or listing removals.

However, your individual needs and circumstances may vary, so we recommend consulting with AMZ Sellers Attorney to determine if they are the right fit for your specific situation. Be sure to explore their website and reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.


In conclusion, AMZ Sellers Attorney offers a comprehensive range of services to help Amazon sellers navigate the challenges of account suspensions and listing removals. With a team of experienced attorneys and Amazon specialists, they provide professional and effective representation, ensuring the best possible outcome for their clients. If you are facing an Amazon suspension or listing removal, we recommend considering AMZ Sellers Attorney for your appeal needs.

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